there are going to be是什么意思的相关图片

there are going to be是什么意思

下面围绕“there are going to be是什么意思”主题解决网友的困惑

there are going to be和there is going to be有什

there are going to be,中文意思是:有打算要的是...( 指复数)。there is going to be,中文意思是:有打算要的是...( 指单数) 。这两句都可用there will be ...

there is going to be的用法有几种?

1、there are going to be表示将来某时有两个以上的事件时用。如There are some football matches this Sunday. 本...

什么时候用there are going to be

表示【将来某时有两个以上的事件】时用。如 There are some football matches this Sunday. 本星期天有些足球比赛。there are going to be 为there be 将来形式,...

there are going to be的用法

there are going to be 将要有,将会有 例句:It looks as if there are going to be a lot of difficulties.困难看来少不了。Over your lifetime, there are goin...

There be going to be 的意思和运用 急

“将会有”的意思。 相当于 there will be there will (is going to) be 都是there be一般将来时 还可以有 there had(have)be等形式,和there be的用法相同。

There is going to be 是什么意思?

be是there be 句型的将来时结构 There are going to be +名词复数 如There are going to be two meetings this afternoon.There is going to be +名词单数 There i...

there is going to be和there is going to have区别

1.基本意义:there is going to be表示将要发生某事,而there is going to have表示将要拥有某物或经历某事 例子:- There is going to be a concert here tomorro...


There is going to be。。。要(会)有。。。双语对照 例句:1.The question most people are asking is not whether there is going to be a correction, but how ...

There is going to be是什么意思

您好.意思是:将会有;将要发生 例如:there is going to be a sports meeting 这里将举办运动会 there is going to be a film opening 这里将会举办电影开幕式 一...

there is going to be和there is going to have有什

1. 释义区别:"there is going to be"指的是某个事件或情况将会发生或存在。例句:There is going to be a party tonight.(今晚将有一个派对。)"there is going ...

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